Can I stop the damn flashbacks? Can I transition back to civilian life? Can I ever feel like me again?

You bet your ass you can, and I can help.


Most people don't understand what you do, the shit you see, the risks you take for your team, for your brothers and sisters, for our country.  They don't understand what comes back with you, what doesn't go away; how you can go from knowing someone always has your six to feeling like you have to do this all alone.

If you hear one thing I tell you it’s this. That's bullshit; you don't have to do this alone. You have people here for you, and that includes me. And it doesn't stop there, I am here for your dependents as well.

As a former military spouse, current mom to an airman and soldier, and a therapist trained specifically in working with the military, I know how important it is to have someone there for all of you. I do this because I know firsthand how important it is. We are a family of our own and we stand by our own. So, guess what, you have a battle buddy right here in me. Whether it’s to work on past stuff, current stuff, transitioning back to civilian life, or something else; I’ve got you.

You are worth fighting for.

What we can work on:

You and your team got you this far; whether it was 20 years ago, 5 years ago, or 2 weeks ago. Now let's go the rest of the way. I can help you stop looking over your shoulder, stop feeling like it should have been you, stop feeling that the world is not safe, stop not being able to sleep.  Stop the anger, stop the numbness, stop the noise. Healing does NOT mean forgetting, it means not letting the emotions take you over anymore.

  • Understanding trauma and the symptoms

  • Coping skills, strategies

  • Triggers, intrusive thoughts, flashbacks

  • Emotions, behaviors, urges

  • Anger management

  • Anxiety

  • Survivor guilt

  • Communication skills

  • Boundaries, assertiveness

  • Memory, de-realization, resilience, trust

  • Guilt, self-doubt, self-blaming

Essentially, anything you need to work on.

Let’s do this!

“The best way out is always through.”

-Robert Frost